R. Wayne Branch PhD
1 min readNov 26, 2023


If you’re inferring that that which is rational is real, then my retort is: reality is subjective. Therefore, rationality is contextual. To use your example, gay people standing with homophobic prople who lynch them does not have to be a psychological displacement of pain, it could be the same survival response Peter ‘s denial of knowing Jesus allowed when faced with crucifixion.

The mass projection you suggest, therefore, if we follow that which is rational is real, is invalidated by your belief that Patriarchy is simply a thesis. A thesis that also does not hold water, if the masses identify Patriarchy as a cultural construct, particularly a violent oppressive one. The response to that construct is certainly not an anti-thesis. Can’t have it both ways.

If you’re interested, look for my next essay entitled, “Can Hate Ever Become Peace?” It should be out this week. It will disclose more clearly my perspective on what you characterize as an uninformed celebration of Hamas’ terrorism.



R. Wayne Branch PhD

Social Psychologist/Educator; thoughtful discourse, magical moments, my twins are passions. Relationship stewardships are my windmills. Creativity is breadth!